Warm scarf to EU Commissioner Marianne Thyssen


Emma Lepistö, student of crafts and design at Sataedu, has made scarf that was handed over to Marianne Thyssen, the EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, in Helsinki during the European Vocational Skills Week, on 18 October 2019.

Emma will complete the basic vocational qualification in crafts and design in two years in accordance with her personal competence development plan. This work-to-order is a good example of combining field-specific competence and entrepreneurial and marketing competences in various learning environments.

The chosen blue-tone design suits the recipient’s favourite colours, and the patterns are very simplified.

The scarf’s base material is silk chiffon, and its patterns are shaped from merino wool. Nuno felting is a method of felting wool roving and wool yarns onto another fabric, in this case onto silk fabric.

Promotion of sustainable development and circular economy issues are part of crafts and design studies; therefore, Emma also reshaped the old package to suit this scarf.

Various stages of work at school were photographed by Kaija Marjanen, former student of Sataedu.

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