Welfare technology as a unifier of professions


During the event at Sataedu’s Ulvila premises there was a noticeable enthusiasm among different professionals when Minna Laine from Meditas Oy, members of Satakunta DigiHealth project as well as teachers and students from different sectors had an opportunity to test novel welfare technologies. The tested technologies were Skelex 360-XFR exoskeleton and Auxivo LiftSuit® from Meditas Oy. Both exoskeletons were tested in social and healthcare sector, automation sector and electrical sector. In addition, two case simulations were carried out at the MeWet smart home, in which students tested exoskeletons in real work assignments, electrical installations, and home care client visits. The events were recorded using Nordic Simulators’ Rec-mobile system, which reinforces simulation pedagogical activities.

Meditas Oy is an expert company for exoskeletons, whose products are widely suitable for various professions. With the help of exoskeletons, it is possible to reduce the physical strain of workers, and at the same time improve the well-being of employees and thereby increase the quality of work, shifting the focus to streamlining cognitive functions. Exoskeletons are basically an external wearable support frame for the workers. With the help of this support frame, it is possible to work in a safe manner. The evidence shows that diseases of the musculoskeletal system are the most common reason to visit a doctor in Finland and the group of diseases that causes the most absences from work.

The education sector has recognized these challenges and seen the importance of education in the implementation of welfare technology in the field. Students also play a key role in transmitting and instilling new information. Sataedu was offered a great opportunity to pilot Meditas’ products in an educational environment where the most authentic facilities for multi-professional activities and simulations can be found. Thus, testing products provides a realistic idea to the testers and future employees.

Regardless of the profession, students and teachers became interested in the products, and realized their social significance as health promoters. Welfare technology applications can ensure more capable workers for the ever-changing situations of working life, where more and more multi-professional decision making is required while working, due to resources being condensed to make them more economically profitable.

In the future, Sataedu will further strengthen cooperation with working life actors and companies. The potential of welfare technology applications can be raised to national awareness through simulation learning, among other things. On 2nd December 2021, a network simulation day will take place, which will involve several universities of applied sciences and vocational schools.

Sataedu will be in charge of the December’s network simulation day. The simulation aims to use Meditas’ Auxivo LiftSuit® and look at how the social and healthcare professionals benefit from it as part of nursing work. In addition, Meditas offers Ironhand, which is intended for tasks requiring repetitive hand gripping. Ironhand is supposed to be tested in Sataedu in the metal and construction fields. The future is looking dynamic and vibrant, accompanied by multi-professional cooperation and well-being enhancing technology. We, the teachers and students at Sataedu, are ready to develop both ourselves and our operations in accordance with the requirements of working life, while also daring to be pioneers in welfare technology and its adoption.

Satakunta DigiHealth team: Krista Toivonen, Paula Haanpää, Sini-Charlotta Kamberg, Heidi Laitomaa and Jaakko Niemelä.

Here you can have a look at the inspiring testing day and hear about the students’ experiences: https://youtu.be/piZ_J0Dn-L0

Do you want to get more information about our multifunctional environment for well-being enhancing technology? Visit our website https://mewethome.com/

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