- Alkaa: 01.11.2022
- Loppuu: 25.02.2025
- Rahoitus: Erasmus+ KA2

All partners wish to organise long-term learner mobilities as part of their internationalisation strategy to improve the attractiveness & quality of VET & increase the European spirit in their schools & learners, with a special focus on those with fewer opportunities. After all, ErasmusPro allows learners to acquire professional knowledge, skills & attitudes through work-based learning, as well as transversal & meta skills, & helps them obtain micro-credentials and/or extra qualifications.This improves their employability & offers them equal opportunities & an easier transition to the labour market. Moreover, working & living with locals elsewhere in Europe will enhance their international competences & European spirit. However, all partners encounter difficulties/obstacles in doing so, some in starting with ErasmusPro, others in implementing it with quality in all mobility aspects or sectors & some in including learners with fewer opportunities. For this reason, our project objectives are:1) to create a strong, sustainable ecosystem of VET providers that will2) promote & facilitate long-term ErasmusPro learner mobilities3) including learners with fewer opportunities.https://issuu.com/sataedu/docs/opas_erasmuspro_liikkuvuuksiin_
Prep4Pro has 3 objectives: 1) to build a strong, sustainable (learning) network/ecosystem of matching VET providers throughout Europe that breathes mutual trust and quality, that 2) facilitates and promotes the organisation and implementation of long-term learner mobilities (ErasmusPro), and 3) includes learners with fewer opportunities We aim to increase the employabilityTulokset
Prep4Pro provides the full package to start or increase quality ErasmusPro learner mobilities:
1) a strategy, including all tools, to build a strong, sustainable network of VET providers across Europe, with ours as proof
2) a roadmap book in 8 European languages as a practical framework & guide for ErasmusPro, with specific sections on
learners with fewer opportunities
3) communication strategies and tools to reach, inform, involve and motivate each target group to participate in
Lisätietoja hankkeesta

Ida-Maria Mäkiranta
- kv-koordinaattori, Kansainvälisyys
- ida-maria.makiranta@sataedu.fi +358 40 199 4495
- Kokemäki, Suoratie 1